Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's Good to be Loved

I have had such a great birthday! I have the best family and such lovely friends. Thank you to all for the wonderful gifts, the lunches out (I'm still laughing my butt off, btw!). And thank you to "John" in Alexandria, VA who bought a bag from my shop. He probably didn't even realize that he too was giving me a birthday gift!

Here's a picture of the cake Steve & Evan baked for me. Evan says he did most of the work, including spraying the pans, which must have been the hardest part based on the serious tone he took during that part of the story. It's so YUMMY!!!

1 comment:

Anji Gallanos said...

What a fun cake!!! Happy belated birthday..but maybe birthday's should be celebrated all month instead of just one day